Inspirerande läsning! Nästa gästbloggare blir Aaron Peña från Dallas, Texas ; USA, Oerhört duktig musiker, som soloartist och i sitt band This Is The Good Fight . Talangfull kille precis i början av sin karriär, han kommer gå långt, Var det någon som sa High School-Feeling? In på Spotify och direkt efter ni läst och hör och häpna,. Vi har ett väntat samarbete dessutom, så jag ska ta tag i min musik-karriär som trummis, en stor möjlighet om det vill sig som tänkt. Nog om mig, nu lämnar jag över till Aaron,,,

Aaron Peña - This is the Good Fight

Writing and playing music is a love hate relationship. You have your ups and you have your downs. It’s the joy of finally getting to hear your song finalized and ready to be heard by the world that gets me to come back to her every time I want to leave. It can be so frustrating when you are stuck in a rut and nothing that you write seems to make sense or even sound remotely good to you.

However, once you come up with that simple melody that makes you want to move then you know you have something! The joy I get from writing a new tune to playing a live show is incomparable to most of my life. I admit that marrying the love of my life is easily the #1 greatest joy I have ever felt but the joy I get from writing and creating a new song is its own category of joy. Music alone is my motivation. Anything else you receive from music is just the cherry on top.

I have learned in my life through friends, other musicians and my self that music is sometimes taken advantage of and if you do it for the wrong reasons you will never experience the greatness that it has to offer. Treat it with respect and love it simply because you love it. If you ever feel like you’re in a rut just simply take a break and hang out with some friends. Don’t dread on the idea and give yourself a break. Listen to new music and fiddle with the idea of learning a different instrument. Expand your knowledge and theory of music and that rut will soon go away.

I hope you to find this inspiring and motivational. Never give up on music and she will never give up on you.

(c) & skriven av: Aaron Peña

Aaron Peña - This is the Good FightAaron Live With Bowling for Soup

This Is The Good Fight @ Spotify:
